Athena, in Greek mythology is the goddess of wisdom, peace, strategy, handicrafts and reason, shrewd companion of heroes and the goddess of heroic endeavour. History Athena as the "daughter" of Zeus, born ...
Jungle Girl's real name is Jana, a young woman who has been living in the jungle for most, if not all, of her life. The exact location of the jungle is ...
Death Defying Devil is a superhero that starred in popular comics from Lev Gleason Publications during the 1930s-1940s , he has also been known as Daredevil. History Created by Jack Binder for an ...
J. Scott Campbell is an American comic book artist. Though he has since done work for Marvel Comics (most notably as a cover artist on The Amazing Spider-Man), and the video ...
Jim Krueger is a comic book writer, novelist and filmmaker. Early life He graduated Marquette University with a degree in Journalism. Career He won two Addy Awards during his first year as a copywriter. A ...
Matt Wagner is an American comic book writer and artist, best known as the creator of the series Mage and Grendel. In addition to his creator-owned series' Mage and Grendel, ...