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SKU: C72513026335308011
Rating: Mature
Cover A: Johnny Desjardins
UPC: 725130263353 08011
Cover B: Christian Ward
UPC: 725130263353 08021
Cover C: Butch Guice
UPC: 725130263353 08031
Cover D: Natalie Sanders
UPC: 725130263353 08041
Cover E Subscription: Kenan Yarar
UPC: 725130263353 08051
Writer: Mike Carey
Art: Donny Hadiwidjaja
Genre: Science Fiction, Adventure
Publication Date: July 2018
Format: Comic Book
Page Count: 32 Pages
ON SALE DATE: 7/25/2018
Barbarella has a corporate target on her back, and only the arrival of an old friend can save her bacon. But the mistress of the spaceways whose heart belongs to no one is out of the frying pan and into the fire-literally! For her latest adventure has her headed for the heart of the sun!

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