Dan Dare is a British science fiction comic hero, created by illustrator Frank Hampson. Hampson not only invented Dan Dare and his entire world, he also put together the original team ...
The Spider was created by Harry Steeger at Popular Publications in 1933. He fought crime by donning a black fedora, a black cape, a trademark ring and a brace of .45 ...
Kulan Gath is a villainous magician who has appeared in the Marvel Universe and in Dynamite Entertainment's Red Sonja series. The character's first appearance was in Conan the Barbarian #14 and ...
Jack Kirby (August 28, 1917 - February 6, 1994), was an American comic book artist, writer and editor. Growing up poor in New York City, he entered the nascent comics industry ...
Andy Diggle started as a comic book editor of 2000AD before he became a writer. His creator-owned thriller SNAPSHOT, illustrated by his longtime friend and collaborator Jock is a labor of ...
Jim Zub is a writer, artist and art instructor based in Toronto, Canada. Over the past ten years he's worked for a diverse array of publishing, movie and video game clients ...