SKU: C725130173980 Rating: MATURE Covers: Tim Bradstreet (main), Johnny D (1-in-20) Ale Garza (1-in-15), Jonathan Lau (1-in-10) Writer: Garth Ennis Penciller/Inker: Marcos Marz Awards: N/A Publication Date: JULY 2011 Format: Comic Book Page Count: 32 pages Rights: WW Age range: 16+ UPC: 725130173980 The grand finale of Garth Ennis' first Jennifer Blood story arc finally arrives! Will Jennifer finally get her revenge? Will she stop her vigilante lifestyle and return to a life of normalcy with her family? Find out in Jennifer Blood #6!
The world of fairy tales is real, kept alive by the storytellers of old and the innocent belief of children. But when the original guardian of the fable realm turns from ...
Dynamite fans know Eva, daughter of Dracula, as the dangerous and beautiful monster hunter, from her debut in Army of Darkness issues #5 through #8 where she helped Ash battle Dracula ...
Princess of the Martian city state/empire of Helium, Dejah Thoris is the love interest and later the wife of John Carter, an Earthman mystically transported to Mars, and subsequently the mother ...
J. Michael Straczynski is a writer and producer. He works in films, television series, novels, short stories, comic books, radio dramas and other media. Straczynski is a playwright, former journalist, and ...
Matt Wagner is an American comic book writer and artist, best known as the creator of the series Mage and Grendel. In addition to his creator-owned series' Mage and Grendel, ...
John McCrea is a comic book artist best known for his collaborations with writer Garth Ennis. His earliest work was influenced by John Byrne and Alan Davis. He broke into ...