James Bond is a fictional character created by British novelist Ian Lancaster Fleming in 1953. Fleming was born in London in 1908 and was educated at Eton College before ...
Tonto is a fictional character, the Native American companion of The Lone Ranger, a popular American Western character created by George W. Trendle and Fran Striker. Tonto has appeared in radio ...
Thun'da is a fictional character created by the artist Frank Frazetta for Magazine Enterprises, a comics publisher. The story of Thun'da was first released as a comic series in 1952, as ...
Jim Zub is a writer, artist and art instructor based in Toronto, Canada. Over the past ten years he's worked for a diverse array of publishing, movie and video game clients ...
Amy Chu writes comics – and only – comics! Following a successful run heading up the first-ever Poison Ivy mini-series for DC Comics, Chu turned her focus ...