Warehouse 13, a TV series on SyFt, follows United States Secret Service Agents Myka Bering (Joanne Kelly) and Peter Lattimer (Eddie McClintock) when they are assigned to the government's secret Warehouse ...
Athena, in Greek mythology is the goddess of wisdom, peace, strategy, handicrafts and reason, shrewd companion of heroes and the goddess of heroic endeavour. History Athena as the "daughter" of Zeus, born ...
J.T. Krul first job in Hollywood was landing the job of production assistant on the TV show Seinfeld. He was promoted to the position of the show's production coordinator in its ...
Steve Niles is an American comic book writer and novelist, known for works such as 30 Days of Night, Criminal Macabre, Simon Dark, Mystery Society and Batman: Gotham County Line. He ...
Jesse Snider is a comic book writer, voice over actor, TV/radio host, semi-pro football player, and rock musician. He is the eldest son of Twisted Sister front man and vocalist Dee ...