Mercedes "Mercy" Thompson is a fictional character and the protagonist of The Mercedes Thompson Series, written by Patricia Briggs. The series, which currently consists of the novels Moon Called, Blood Bound, ...
Ashley J. "Ash" Williams is the protagonist in the Evil Dead horror film franchise, played by Bruce Campbell, and created by director Sam Raimi. Since the character Ash Williams first appeared in ...
When an alien invasion attacks Earth in the age of the dinosaurs, our planet's only saviors are the savage prehistoric beasts which are much more intelligent than humanity has ever imagined. ...
Jesse Snider is a comic book writer, voice over actor, TV/radio host, semi-pro football player, and rock musician. He is the eldest son of Twisted Sister front man and vocalist Dee ...
Phil Hester is a comic book artist, penciler and writer. This Eisner Award-nominated artist was born in eastern Iowa, where he went on to study at the University of Iowa. ...
John Cassaday (born 1971) is an American comic book artist and writer, born in Fort Worth, Texas and currently residing in New York City. He is known for having a high ...