ESTEVE POLLS Esteve Polls is a popular Spanish artist, who began his career at the age of 15. From then on, Poll has worked for varying European publishers, including Edifumetti, Planet, Marvel France and Disney Europe. For the magazine Cimoc of Norma Editorial, he has illustrated the 'Fronteras' series, as well as 'MacBeth', series featuring a hired assassin in the early 20th century, scripted by Josep M. Polls in 1991. With Aryeh Mahr, he has created the comics biography of Rabbi Shmuel HaNagid, called 'Nagdila', which was published by Mahrwood Press. Polls is additionally present in the British Judge Dredd MEGAzine with the Simon Spurrier scripted 'Mega-City Noir' (2004). Esteve Polls has also worked for Spanish television and he did the scenography of the threatrical work 'The Canigo'.