Thun'da is a fictional character created by the artist Frank Frazetta for Magazine Enterprises, a comics publisher. The story of Thun'da was first released as a comic series in 1952, as ...
The Green Lama's first comic book appearance was in Crestwood Publications' issue #7 of Prize Comics (December 1940), where he continued to appear for 27 issues (through 1943). ...
Jae Lee a comic book artist. Lee first rose to prominence in the industry for his work on Marvel's Namor the Sub-Mariner, Inhumans (for which he won an Eisner Award), and The ...
Brandon Thomas is a freelance writer, blogger, and columnist. He has written over a dozen comics for several publishers including Marvel, Arcade, and DC Comics, and his first creator-owned project Miranda ...
The Brothers Hildebrandt are American twin brothers who collaboratively worked as fantasy and science fiction artists. Greg Hildebrandt and Tim Hildebrandt began professionally painting in 1959. They produced illustrations for comic ...