In a galaxy plagued with chaos and evil, five robotic lions, piloted by a team of brave space explorers, combine to form the mighty robot hero, Voltron®. After blazing onto TV ...
Kato is a character from The Green Hornet series. This character has also appeared with the Green Hornet in film, television, book and comic book versions. Kato was the Hornet's ...
Man with No Name The Man with No Name refer to the character (or possibly characters) played by American actor Clint Eastwood in what is often called "The Dollars Trilogy" directed by ...
Darick W. Robertson is an American artist best known for his work as a comic book illustrator. Highly prolific, Robertson has illustrated hundreds of comics in his twenty plus years in ...
Scott Beatty has authored adventures for many of comics' most iconic characters, including Batman and Robin tales for DC Comics, as well as The Phantom and Buck Rogers for ...
Gail Simone is one of the most critically acclaimed and popular writers in the English language comic book industry today. After gaining a following with her online column "You'll All ...