Based off The Six Million Dollar Man television show, Steve Austin is back and acclaimed film maker Kevin Smith unleashes his high octane vision in this new series from Dynamite. Featuring ...
Dynamite fans know Eva, daughter of Dracula, as the dangerous and beautiful monster hunter, from her debut in Army of Darkness issues #5 through #8 where she helped Ash battle Dracula ...
Princess of Mars is an Edgar Rice Burroughs science fiction novel, the first of his famous series, which initially began publication in serialized form within the pages of All-Story Magazine in ...
Gail Simone is one of the most critically acclaimed and popular writers in the English language comic book industry today. After gaining a following with her online column "You'll All ...
John McCrea is a comic book artist best known for his collaborations with writer Garth Ennis. His earliest work was influenced by John Byrne and Alan Davis. He broke into ...
Tom Sniegoski is a novelist, comic book writer and pop culture journalist. A number of Sniegoski's works have been related to the Buffyverse, the fictional universe established by TV series, ...