The Spider was created by Harry Steeger at Popular Publications in 1933. He fought crime by donning a black fedora, a black cape, a trademark ring and a brace of .45 ...
In 2012, the Mayan doomsday prophecy is coming to pass, and the end of the world makes for strange allies. Vampirella, Red Sonja, Kulan Gath, Dracula, Eva, Herbert West The Reanimator, ...
Anthony Rogers was a fictional character that originated in two short stories by Philip Francis Nowlan, "Armageddon 2419 A.D." and "The Airlords of Han" published in Amazing Stories (August 1928, March ...
Tom Sniegoski is a novelist, comic book writer and pop culture journalist. A number of Sniegoski's works have been related to the Buffyverse, the fictional universe established by TV series, ...
Erica Schultz is an American comic book writer, letterer and editor best known for her writing on Charmed and tie-ins for the Swords of Sorrow crossover series (Dynamite Entertainment). In 2012, ...