Vanth Dreadstar is a comic book character created by Jim Starlin. Dreadstar was Publication history Dreadstar's original adventure, the "Metamorphosis Odyssey", ran in the first eight issues of Marvel Comics' Epic Illustrated ...
Dynamite fans know Eva, daughter of Dracula, as the dangerous and beautiful monster hunter, from her debut in Army of Darkness issues #5 through #8 where she helped Ash battle Dracula ...
Tonto is a fictional character, the Native American companion of The Lone Ranger, a popular American Western character created by George W. Trendle and Fran Striker. Tonto has appeared in radio ...
Best-selling author Chuck Dixon, considered one of the most prolific comic book scriptors in the history of the medium, is perhaps best known for his decade-long run on multiple Batman titles ...
LEAH MOORE and JOHN REPPION are British comic book writers. They have co-writing credits on Wild Girl, a six part limited series for WildStorm. In 2006 they signed an initial twelve issue ...
The Brothers Hildebrandt are American twin brothers who collaboratively worked as fantasy and science fiction artists. Greg Hildebrandt and Tim Hildebrandt began professionally painting in 1959. They produced illustrations for comic ...