Peter Cannon: Thunderbolt is a superhero originally published by Charlton Comics, notable for containing some of the earliest respectful invocations of Eastern mysticism in American pop culture. The character debuted in ...
Based on the classic Edgar Rice Burroughs adventure story, Tarzan of the Apes, the first of his famous series, which initially began publication in All Story Magazine in 1912. ...
Jaime Sommers, sometimes spelled Jamie Sommers, is a fictional character portrayed by Lindsay Wagner in The Bionic Woman and The Six Million Dollar Man. She is a former professional tennis star, ...
Nelson Alexander "Alex" Ross is a comic book painter, illustrator and plotter, acclaimed for the photorealism of his work. From the late 1990s, Ross has done much work for the industry's two ...
Most of Ande Park's career in comics has been spent as an inker, but in recent years, though, he has also turned his attention to writing. As an inker, Parks has worked ...
Eric Trautmann is an American comic book creator. He began his career in publishing as a freelance writer in the print roleplaying game industry in 1992. In 1999 he became ...