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"It's a blunderful life" for everyone's favorite big-chinned Chosen One
Classic Artist Dave Simons Joins Dynamite's Army of Darkness!

Dynamite presents their first ever Christmas Special... this time with a twist as we send Ash on a Christmas adventure the likes of which the world has never seen! Will Evil Ash destroy Christmas? Can Good Ash stop Evil Ash from ruining Christmas? Is there really a Santa? Find it all out this December in a 40 page one-shot by writer James Kuhoric and classic Marvel artist Dave Simons!

Everyone loves the holidays, right? Wrong! If you've ever worked S-Mart retail in December, you know it's a special hell filled with something worse than Deadites.... dumbass holiday shoppers. And when the Necronomicon gets a hold of some classic holiday entertainment, it send Ash through a voyage of twisted Christmas visions that beat him senseless and initiate something deeper in Ash. "It's a blunderful life" for everyone's favorite big chinned Chosen One and this year he's going to face something tougher than Deadite Santas and zombie elves. He'll find a piece of his soul that was swallowed long ago….

AoD Writer, Jim Kuhoric summed up his collaboration with Dave Simons and the upcoming AoD one-shot, "When the folks at Dynamite pitched their ideas for an Army of Darkness Holiday Special, I was excited to finally get to tell a different kind of story for Ash.  Finding out that Dave Simons, who worked on Tomb of Dracula and Ghost Rider during their classic Marvel runs, would be doing the art was what really sealed the deal.  Ash's Christmas Horror isn't what you expect.  Sure it has lots of Deadites, geysers of blood, and ridiculous situations, but it's much more than that.  This story gives us a rare look at the human side of Ash, explains why he hates the holidays, and gives him a chance to find out if there is any room left in his hard heart for compassion.  That and he ends up transformed into a one armed boomstick carrying Claymation holiday character.  Merry freakin' Christmas, eh?"  

And about the chance to work on AoD, artist Dave Simons exclaimed, "When Nicky first sent me a box o' comics to familiarize me with the Dynamite line, in amongst the Red Sonjas and Lone Rangers (great book, by the way) was Army of Darkness. I thought that AoD would be a fun book to work on and particularly suited to me with my experience in both horror (Tomb of Dracula, Ghost Rider) and humor (The Real Ghostbusters and many other animated shows). Little did I know I'd end up working on the AoD Holiday Special! This marks my return to print after several years of working in animation and I couldn't have picked a more appropriate project."

"Dave work has graced comics work throughout the late '70's and '80's.  He's been sorely missed from the comics market.  As some pages have come in, we're proud to showcase them so that fans can appreciate and anticipate his comics return.  We thank Dave for doing so with Dynamite!" stated president Nick Barrucci.

ARMY OF DARKNESS: ASH'S CHRISTMAS HORROR (ONE SHOT) James Kuhoric (w), Dave Simons (a) Covers: Dave Simons




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DYNAMITE ENTERTAINMENT was founded in 2004 and is home to several best-selling titles and properties.  Beginning with their Army of Darkness comic book series - launching as the #1 independent comic in July of '04 - and recently ranked the #1 selling Independent Horror comic -- and continuing to their best-selling Red Sonja series - issue #0 alone selling over 240,000 copies and ongoing issues and one-shots recently ranked among the best-selling titles in unit sales and dollar volume - and not only has Dynamite consistently released Red Sonja as THE top selling single comic outside of Marvel and DC Comics, Dynamite successfully places more titles in the Top 100 than most non-Marvel, non-DC publishers.  Dynamite's new monthly Battlestar Galactica series is the company's first major launch of '06, debuting with an impressive 175,000 copies in initial orders sold for the introductory #0 issue. Dynamite's ongoing Highlander comic book series launched to excess of 100,000 copies sold for issue #0. The recently released The Lone Ranger #1 sold out on its first day in comic shops, went in to an immediate 2nd printing, and the 2nd printing sold out from Dynamite!
Now, in addition to the ongoing Red Sonja and AOD series, DYNAMITE has released the all-new Battlestar Galactica comic by Greg Pak and Nigel Raynor - launching with a specially priced #0 issue, having sold in excess of 175,000 copies and recently featured in the pages of TV Guide, A classic Battlestar Galactica comic book series, Xena by John Layman and Fabiano Neves, a Darkman vs. the Army of Darkness mini-series and is preparing the Lone Ranger with Brett Matthews and John Cassaday - and Dynamite has more on the horizon!
In addition to the creators mentioned - Dynamite works with some of the most high profile creators in comics, including Alex (Justice) Ross, John (Astonishing X-Men) Cassaday, Michael (Superman/Batman, Aspen Comics) Turner, Jim (All-Star Batman) Lee, Michael (Red Sonja) Avon Oeming, Mike (Red Sonja/X-Men) Carey, Jim (Justice) Kruegar, Greg (The Incredible Hulk) Pak, Brett (Serenity, The Lone Ranger) Matthews - as well as working with up and coming new talent and enhancing strong creators!
The company also produces new and classic material from such creators as Paul Gulacy and Doug Moench's Six from Sirius, Tim Truman's Scout, Carlos Trillo and Eduardo Risso's Borderline and other titles including Jim Starlin's Dreadstar, in addition to reprint editions of classic Red Sonja material and more.
For updated information on Dynamite Entertainment and their titles, please visit the Dynamite website at


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