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October 9, 2014, Mt. Laurel, NJ:  Dynamite Entertainment is pleased to announce the Spring 2015 launch of Jim Butcher's Dresden Files: Down Town, a contemporary fantasy miniseries featuring an original Jim Butcher story exclusively developed for the comic book medium, and set within official continuity of the fan-favorite Dresden Files novel series. Building upon the success of New York Times bestselling graphic novel Dresden Files: Ghoul Goblin and formidable consumer preorders of this coming November's Dresden Files: War Cry release, the new series will pit the titular wizard-for-hire Harry Dresden and a brand-new apprentice against a partnership of magic and mobsters.
Dresden Files: Down Town reunites series creator Jim Butcher, co-writer Mark Powers (G.I.Joe, Drafted), and artist Carlos Gomez (Deadpool, Pathfinder), the acclaimed creative team of the preceding Dresden Files: War Cry comic book, a collaboration hailed by critics as being "fast-paced and explosive" (Comic Book Therapy) and worthy of the "highest possible recommendation" (SciFi Pulse). Featuring cover artwork by Stjepan Sejic (Witchblade, Conan), the new Dresden Files: DownTown storyline will be serialized in six comic book issues, available in print and digitally, before collection as a hardcover graphic novel later in 2015.
In Down Town, Harry Dresden and his new apprentice, Molly Carpenter, intend to end the havoc caused by a mad sorcerer, one whose ambitions would have the streets of Chicago carved out as his own private kingdom. But when the magical upstart enters into an alliance with the notorious mob boss "Gentleman Johnnie" Marcone, will the fast-and-loose Dresden and his young charge survive unscathed?

Jim Butcher says, "So many stories go through my head when I'm building the Dresden Files universe, but relatively few of them actually make it into the novels. Some of them are too short. Some are too long, or too involved, or (shudder) too preachy. Some of them simply aren't well suited to the written word, but would make tremendously fun visual pieces. That's what's in action here: Down Town is one of the stories of Harry and Molly's relationship during her tumultuous apprenticeship, and gets to showcase some aspects of what both of them are getting out of it. We get to see a villain that probably wouldn't have been appropriate for the novels, but who will provide a fun bit of story, especially for fans of Harry and Molly."

"I'm beyond thrilled to have the chance to help Jim Butcher weave the incredible tapestry that is the world of Harry Dresden," says series co-writer Mark Powers. "Down Town will give readers an extensive look at a previously-only-glimpsed area of Harry's world -- a not-altogether pleasant one, either!" 

"This will be the third original Dresden Files graphic novel story from Dynamite," says series editor Rich Young, "The first, Ghoul Goblin, took place between Fool Moon (Book 2) and Grave Peril (Book 3). War Cry took place between Dead Beat (Book 7) and Proven Guilty (Book 8).  Our new Down Town takes place between the events in White Knight (Book 9) and Small Favor (Book 10).  I like the fact that Jim is jumping around the novels' timeline and filling in with these new stories that really add to the lore of The Dresden Files. Plus, you get to visually see all these great different characters and environments come to life that you've been reading about, if you're a fan of the books. It's quite a treat!"

Jim Butcher is a New York Times bestselling author, whose Dresden Files novel series have sold millions of copies, and produced related graphic novels, roleplaying games, and a 2007 television series on the Sci-Fi Channel. In addition to his Dresden Files series, Butcher has authored the traditional fantasy Codex Alera and steampunk Cinder Spires series.

Jim Butcher's Dresden Files: Down Town will be solicited in single issue format through Diamond Comic Distributors' Previews catalog, the premiere source of merchandise for the comic book specialty market. Comic book fans are encouraged to reserve copies of Dresden Files: Down Town with their local comic book retailers. Dresden Files: Down Town will also be available for individual customer purchase through digital platforms courtesy of Comixology, Dynamite Digital, iVerse, and Dark Horse Digital.



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Dynamite was founded in 2004 and is home to several best-selling comic book titles and properties, including The BoysThe ShadowRed Sonja,Warlord of MarsBionic ManA Game of Thrones, and more.  Dynamite owns and controls an extensive library with over 3,000 characters (which includes the Harris Comics and Chaos Comics properties), such as VampirellaPanthaEvil ErnieSmiley the Psychotic ButtonChastity, and Peter Cannon: Thunderbolt.  In addition to their critically-acclaimed titles and bestselling comics, Dynamite works with some of the most high profile creators in comics and entertainment, including Kevin Smith, Alex Ross, Neil Gaiman, Andy Diggle, John Cassaday, Garth Ennis, Jae Lee, Marc Guggenheim, Mike Carey, Jim Krueger, Greg Pak, Brett Matthews, Matt Wagner, Gail Simone, Steve Niles, James Robinson, and a host of up-and-coming new talent.  Dynamite is consistently ranked in the upper tiers of comic book publishers and several of their titles - including Alex Ross and Jim Krueger's Project Superpowers - have debuted in the Top Ten lists produced by Diamond Comics Distributors.  In 2005, Diamond awarded the company a GEM award for Best New Publisher and another GEM in 2006 for Comics Publisher of the Year (under 5%) and again in 2011.  The company has also been nominated for and won several industry awards, including the prestigious Harvey and Eisner Awards.

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